• Today is: Friday, February 7, 2025

5G in the Cloud with Network Coding for Virtualization

Elena Neira
February17/ 2017

Thrilled to share with you that a version of our recently authored “Network Coding for 5G Virtualization” article has now being published by Informa 5G Virtualisation

The article analyzes ground-breaking research in Network Coding and its applications to 5G virtualization as well as the potential impact on network design and architecture of providers seeking to enter or expand virtualization capabilities.

The article also gives the highlights of a Network Coding prototype implementation based on Open Stack and OpenFlow, and the Kodo library. The prototype shows the capabilities of this new technology to mask impairments such as packet losses showing 3 to 11 fold gains are attainable in terms of throughput and reliability.


The link to the 5G World Series article (February 15, 2017) is here

Link to the original article (December 15, 2016) here


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Elena Neira