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5 Things Happening in 5G

Elena Neira
January24/ 2017

Happening in 5G, France’s Leti announces 5G trials of multiservice transmissions in the 3.5 GHz TDD band using 40 MHz bandwidth; Korea weights using 1.3 GHz band as additional spectrum for 5G services; Singapore’s M1 and Huawei report results of their 5G trial in the 73 GHz band; Turkcell and Ericsson tests 5G in the 15 GHz band and reports 24.7 Gbps; and finally, an edge computing survey by Hong Kong University looks at use cases, architecture and trends to shape 5G workloads.


“Mobile Is a Shifting Landscape, Know the Terrain” – 5 Things Happening in 5G.




Leti Field Trials 5G Multi Carrier Waveforms

France’s telecommunications regulatory agency, Arcep, is grating Leti a temporary license to run a field trial involving multiservice transmission at 3.5 GHz using TDD and a 40 MHz of bandwidth. According to Leti, 3.5GHz might be the first carrier frequency that will be released for 5G and their focus is pre-commercial testing of a new post 4G OFDM modulation called block filtered-OFDM (BF-OFDM). A new medium access control (MAC) layer will also demonstrate multi-service and coexistence with primary systems. More advanced features of future 5G networks will also be investigated, such as in-band full-duplex (IBFD) — which theoretically doubles data rates. The results of these field trials will enhance Leti’s technology-to-system offer for its industrial partners in the context of 5G telecom applications and ad-hoc proprietary radio solutions for verticals. Leti is also saying that during the trial it will look at mitigating self-interference by merging 3 techniques: antenna isolation, RF cancellation circuits and non-linear digital filtering.

Source: Leti-Cea


Korea to Use 1.3 GHz Band for 5G

Korea’s  Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning says it is planning to allocate additional spectrum to 5G within the 1.3GHz band between the nation’s three cellular carriers, KT, SK Telecom and LG Uplus. Ministry official Choi Younger-hae stated: “The ministry will form a team… to work on allocating 5G bandwidth and provide the detailed plan.” The ministry didn’t say how much bandwidth can be put aside for 5G purposes within the 1.3GHz band. Spectrum within the 1.3GHz  doesn’t seem to have been used for cellular but. GPS satellites use 1.38105GHz. The ministry also stated it had been in talks with South Korea’s cellular carriers, with industry players and with Samsung and LG, to devise a plan to taking the lead in the area of 5G.

Source: Korea Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning



M1 and Huawei Reach 35 Gbps in 5G Trial

M1 and Huawei announced that they have successfully achieved Singapore’s highest 5G transmission speeds of 35 Gbps. The demo was carried out at M1’s main operating centre in Jurong. It was conducted using mmWave’s E-band at 73GHz. The results validated the performance of  high frequency bands to kick off standardization of 5G high-frequency technologies in Singapore whose regulator, IMDA, is in parallel conducting a 5G spectrum consultation to prepare for WRC19. M1 highlights that the trial results include greater throughput speeds – users will be able to download a 1080p movie in seconds – and support  of a massive number of low-latency connections critical to the next wave of AR, VR and IoT apps such as autonomous driving. This trial follows last year’s Gigabit-LTE trial that  achieved a combined download and upload speed of more than 1 Gbps using existing commercial infrastructure and a prototype 3GPP CAT14 device. The trial was made possible through the innovative integration of four advanced network technologies: 3CC (three component carrier) aggregation, 4×4 MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output), Higher Order Modulation 256 QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) and 2CC uplink carrier aggregation. “Singapore’s mobile networks are widely acknowledged as amongst the most advanced worldwide, and M1 is committed to staying at the forefront of 5G technology to ensure our consumers enjoy the best experience and latest smart applications,” said Mr Denis Seek, Chief Technical Officer, M1.

Source: M1



Turkcell Reaches 24.7 Gbps on 15 GHz

Turkcell and Ericsson report completion of Turkey’s first ever 5G test, achieving download speeds of 24.7 Gbps on the 15 GHz spectrum. This trial uses the same 15 GHz band that US Cellular used in their trials last year which reportedly achieved a peak throughput speeds of 9 Gbps at a distance of 787 feet and 1.5 Gbps at a distance of 1 mile. Turkcell says it’s been working on 5G technologies since 2013, and it will participate in the 5G field tests that NGMN plans for 2017 and 2018. The operator says that “thanks to the high speeds offered by 5G, a 100 GB file that can currently be transferred in around 30 minutes at 500Mbps on a 4.5G network will eventually be downloaded in 30 seconds at 25Gbps”. Turkcell Senior Vice President of Network Technologies, Gediz Sezgin, emphasized the importance of the company’s collaborations in the 5G area, saying: “This test on the 15GHz spectrum is also very significant as it points to the kind of future that awaits us…”

Source: Turkcell


Edge vs. Cloud Computing Trends for 5G


The drive behind Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) or edge computing for 5G is to shift computing workloads to the network edges reducing and/or eliminating the latency caused by congestion and/or propagation delays in the transport and core networks. This month, Hong Kong University released a survey of edge computing architecture, use cases and trends. The survey looks at why edge computing is different from cloud computing, concluding that specific to edge computing are deployments in small data centers with light server resources co-located with wireless gateways and basestations/access points; it is deployed by telcos, enterprises and home users using lightweight configurations; it is deployed within tens or hundreds of meters to the user with limited backhaul requirements; it is managed in a central/distributed fashion to support latency of less than 10ths of milliseconds; and, it is suited to support locally real-time computation intensive apps. The survey emphasizes that this last requirement is key thus the efficiency of edge computing rests heavily on its central/distributed architecture. This architecture is driven by the intensity of the workloads and the rate/pattern of communications, and it exploits computation offloading, joint radio-and-computational resource allocation, server scheduling, and multi-server selection and cooperation techniques. The survey lists future directions for deployment, cache-enabled MEC, mobility management for MEC, green MEC, security, and privacy issues in MEC. The survey also says that its most prominent cases are multi-access edge, real-time video streaming analysis, AR, VR, IoT and connected cars.


Source: Arxiv

Issue No. 11 (2017-01-20) of 5 Things Happening in 5G sifting through reliable sources to bring you carefully selected, buzzworthy, and focused biz, tech, and market trends. 

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Elena Neira