• Today is: Friday, February 7, 2025

Our Reader’s Poll Results Are Out

Elena Neira
August07/ 2016

We regularly pool our readers on subjects are relevant to 5G technologies, and ask them how they impact their work, life, and what trends they see. For the month of July 2016, we are sharing in this post what they told us about choosing their future smartphone, a favorite connected/networked car feature, and playing Pokemon GO.


What App Do You Want The Most for Your Connected Car? Self-driving and navigation are the most wanted apps in a connected car according to our pool results.

My Next Smart Phone Will Be a…. The iPhone will be the choice for 40% of our readers. Samsung and Xiaomi, with 20% came number two in the pool. And the interesting fact in the pool results is that only 20% responded that they still do not know or are undecided about the brand of their next smartphone.

Do You Play Pokemon Go? We find out that 80% of our readers do.


@elenaneira BETA

Elena Neira