• Today is: Wednesday, February 12, 2025

$400M for Advanced Wireless Research in US

Elena Neira
July26/ 2016

In US private and public institutions are convening a consortium to advanced development of next-generation mobile technologies, some of which promise up to 1000 times speed improvements over Today’s technologies. The consortium will run a 10-year program led by NFS, and will be called PAWR -Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research.


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Leads the Consortium:  According to US Ignite, he initial topic areas that the NFS-led consortium will cover include mmWave (millimeter-wave) in bands about 26 GHz with a target of 100 Gbps in small-cells; Dynamic Spectrum in sub-6 GHz bands including co-existence and protection; Architectures in data networks; Mobility-at-Scale from transport to MAC layers; Wide-area Whitespace demonstrating 1 Gbps to remote location with mesh networking; Network Metrology, and Applications/Services for cyber-security, IoT, robotics, connected health and big data. Besides NFS, there are more than 20 companies and associations.


4 US Cities to host 5G Wireless Platforms: Research in these topics will take the bulk of the budget. Close to $80 Million will be allocated to building 4 test sites with the aim to validate the research quickly and accelerate commercial deployments of 5G.



Resources: NSF to lead Advanced Wireless Access Research, White House Announces PAWR Initiative

Elena Neira