• Today is: Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Celebrating 5 Months in 5G!

Elena Neira
December26/ 2016

This month marks our 5 month ‘5Gversary’ since we went live:   To celebrate, we are sharing with partners, friends and all of you in the 5G community a great story about how our content is shared and recognized around the web as the most relevant together with others like the Wall Street Journal, Mobile World Live, Seeking Alpha, Mashable, Business Wire, Quartz and Qualcomm.



A Great ‘5G-versary’ Story About How People Find and Share Our Content:   The story we’d like to share is that Providence High Tech News (PHTN) is raking “5 Things Happening in 5G” among the top-20 sources of 5G content. According to PHTN, their articles are put together searching the Internet (and/or private databases) using algorithms to identify and rank the most relevant concepts and then return the most relevant snippets for their articles.  The other sources cited for the article include major publishers such as Wall Street Journal and Quartz. Sources also include market analysts such as Seeking Alpha, and major industry players such as Qualcomm.

The Journey is Just Starting:   We feel so lucky to work everyday in the company of an incredible and  global ecosystem of companies, organizations and people who care about realizing the next generation mobile technologies, services and applications to make the world better connected. Our team is inspired every day to try harder. In just a few months since we went live, we have launched  the ‘5G Magazine”, the “Infographics” and “5 Things Happening in 5G.” This is just the beginning of a journey we hope to continue making with your company. Many other 5G-versaries to come…
Finally, for those of you who would like to explore the content behind today’s celebration story, here is the link to PTNH’s article “What’s a 5G Smartphone”  as well as the link to our “5 Things Happening in 5G” article(s).

Read more about 5G at www.5g-magazine.com or www.elenaneira.com
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Elena Neira